For students in grades K–8, our after-school Enrichment Program has fun and engaging classes Monday through Friday, from 3:30 pm to 4:30 p.m (at 4:30, students need to be picked up or have an after care subscription). Our goal for our enrichment program is to provide our students with fun options to explore big ideas and new skills after school.
Taught by a mix of Nueva faculty and Bay Area specialists, Nueva Enrichment offers students the opportunity to take a deep dive into a specialized area of study. During Enrichment, students are provided an opportunity to pursue an activity they are passionate about outside of school hours.
No previous experience is required to join any of Nueva's enrichment classes. We welcome both curious beginners and students with pre-established passions!
Sample Classes:
- Chess
- Cooking
- Game Design
- Improv
- Jewelry Design
- Ping Pong
- Science of Baking
- Sign Language
- Soccer Development
- Steel Drums
Current families can learn about which classes are being offered throughout the year and enroll their student on the Nexus.
For questions about enrichment, please contact us at
For questions about extended day, please email