
Nueva partners with mission-aligned organizations that provide opportunities to extend our reach. We take great pride in our relationships with these organizations, which enable us to deliver on our Mission II commitment to reach gifted learners everywhere.

Our partner programs take various forms. For students, some of our relationships promote equity, and access to Nueva programming for socioeconomically diverse children and their families both during the school year and during summer. These include: A Better Chance, SMART, Peninsula Bridge, and several Boys and Girls Club chapters on the Peninsula. Nueva faculty and students participate in both lead and support roles.

In addition, we offer programs for gifted learners that complement Nueva’s philosophy, including Northwestern University’s Accelerated Weekend Experience and Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth summer programs.

A Better Chance Logo
Boys and Girls Clubs of America Logo
The Institute for Social and Emotional Learning
Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, a Nueva School partner
Northwestern University, a Nueva School partner
Peninsula Bridge, a Nueva School partner
Logo for The SMART Program, a Nueva partner

Our partnerships also bring national and world experts to campus to teach educators and administrators from Nueva and from across the globe. For example, we have a long history with the founders of the Institute for Social and Emotional Learning, whose professional development programs began at Nueva and are hosted here annually.

We are committed to these organizations and grateful for their partnership. These programs and events have immediate impact on all those who participate.